The heart of a good leader

I came across two acronyms for what makes a strong leader, and they both embody the attributes we must aspire to:


Hunger for wisdom
Expect the best
Accept responsibility
Respond with courage
Think: others first

Human - we are all human and if you want to lead others effectively, you must be willing to be vulnerable and let people see that. We all make mistakes and have weaknesses, and if you think they don't see them anyway, you're kidding yourself. When they see the real you, they are more likely to follow. Check out Brian Goldman's TED talk about doctors making mistakes and the pitfalls of a denial culture in medicine.

Empathy - I'll write a separate article about the huge importance of empathy as a doctor, as a leader, and to succeed in life in general. I'm sure you recognise the difference between empathy and sympathy so I won't labour that point. You will connect with people and lead more effectively if you can 'put yourself into the shoes of others' and consider their position when dealing with difficult situations. Here's a wonderful 3 minute animated short about empathy and the qualities that are ingrained in this simple word.

Attitude - attitude isn't about how clever or logical you are, it's 100% emotion. Sometimes we play down the important of attitude, until our team members have a bad one! Attitude is as contagious as herpes and as a leader, you have the highest viral load. OK, so bad analogy there, but spread the good attitude widely. It's fine to be occasionally disappointed or frustrated in front of your team, and in small doses it reveals your humanity. But they need to see your positive passion for medicine, for patient care, human interactions and the rewards of our work as often as possible.

Relationships - people want to be led by someone they know and like. Find ways to connect with your team. A large part of Emotional Intelligence is about human relationship management and I'll definitely be writing more about the huge importance of EQ. Lead from the heart and work on building stronger and more lasting working relationships with others.

Trust - your team needs to know they can rely on you. That your word is good and you follow through on your promises. They want to follow someone they can trust, and that can be you. 

These two acronyms aren't that different when you look at them and ultimately, leaders must bring their heart to work. You can't lead from a distance. Your team will respect you for it and the reward will be their loyalty and commitment to your shared goals.
