How would it be to spend every working day in an environment where our wellbeing is nurtured, our contribution is acknowledged and respected, and our efforts bring great reward to others?
In medicine we are fortunate that we have the opportunity to restore health to fellow humans as our core daily activity. The thoughts and philosophy I share with you here, are about how we can have a working life that is fulfilling and happy.
Happy isn't a word many people associate with going to work each day. But what if work was so rewarding that every Monday was just as enjoyable as a Friday? The Danes have a word without an English equivalent: arbejdsglæde, which literally translates as 'happiness at work'. You can learn how to say it here.
I believe we all deserve more than a little arbejdsglæde in our life, and throughout these pages are my beliefs on how you can bring more of it to yourself and those with whom you work.
My philosophy is simple and based around the following:
Continuous personal growth and taking care of yourself. A lot of the information here is about this and I make no apologies for that.
Understanding exactly why you do what you do, and using those values and life goals as a filter though which everything else is focused.
Treating our team as family, protecting them and attending to their core needs and personal development. This is humanity at work.
Promoting a strong ethic of multidisciplinary teamwork and leading teams effectively
The aim of this blog is to share the journey with others who need to learn how to be a good leader (PS. that's all of us!)