Deep work: Shawn Blanc vs Cal Newport

I've followed Shawn's blog for some time - he's a design-centric, techy kind of guy. A writer who's always looking for productivity and efficiency gains in his life. Recently he interviewed someone I hadn't heard of before: Cal Newport.

Cal is 34 year old Assistant Professor of Mathematics in Georgia, US. Apart from his mathematics research, about which I know nothing, he has spent his life writing articles and books about how to learn efficiently - for school kids, university students, and anyone looking for ways to be more efficient with their time. And specifically looking to be more productive with their learning.

His most recent books are 'So Good They Can't Ignore You' and his newly launched 'Deep Work'. He has some fascinating and sensible ideas around how we can all learn more efficiently and spend our days being a ton more productive - leaving us more time for family, friends and all the other things that sit on the other side of work/life balance.

I've ordered his two books, so will do more of an in depth review of these, and his ideas, in another post. Meanwhile, check out Shawn's interview with him (link here) for a summary of some of his ideas. It's on a SoundCloud link, so you can put it on your phone and listen while you're getting dressed or on the way to work. Recommended.