The 7-step plan to being a positive person

We all know those unhappy people who seem to suck the life blood out of every situation and never have anything good to say. Those are the easy ones to spot, but how much of a complainer are you each day? Being positive is a strong leadership trait and one that we all have to work on.

When you make the decision to be a positive person, you become a positive influence on those around you. People will like you more and want to be in your presence. But more than this, you will have a happier life for doing so. 

Michael Hyatt outlines some reasons why persistent complaining has the potential to hurt you in 4 specific ways, but he also describes a 7-step action plan to become a happy person that others trust and want to be around.

  1. Become self-aware. How negative are you? Can you find positivity in most situations and do you think about, accentuate and highlight it? Do you know if you're a complainer? Ask someone you trust. 
  2. Assess your needs. What reward does complaining bring you (attention, connection) and can you satisfy those needs in a more positive way?
  3. Decide to change. Being negative is a habit, and like most changes in habit, you have to start somewhere and it takes conscious effort in the beginning. Lasting change will follow.
  4. Shift your identity. How do you see yourself? When you say to yourself each morning 'I am a positive, encouraging person' and believe it, your behaviour will follow.
  5. Greet with a smile. Smiling more is a very easy but effective way to lift everyone's mood. How often have you noticed the mood of a room shift when the leader is clearly angry about something, even if it's not verbalised. Smiling reduces stress hormones and increases mood-enhancing hormones. There is even evidence that the very act of smiling will make you happy.
  6. Catch them doing something right. You get more of what you notice. When people around you do something positive, take the time to compliment them for it. They will do more of it and so will others who see the interaction. This isn't manipulation, it's positive influence.
  7. Speak well of others. Avoid persistent negativity and gossip. Of course bad behaviour needs to be addressed, but with the person directly, not behind their back.

I think this is a pretty good plan. Discuss here.

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